Wallet integration
In this guide we demonstrate how to handle wallets and send transactions in Python 3, NodeJS and Elixir.
We use the pycryptodome
and pycoin
Python packages.
We use the elliptic
, node:crypto
, sync-request
and secp256k1
NodeJS packages.
We use the {:curvy, "~> 0.3.1"}
, {:jason, "~> 1.4"}
and {:httpoison, "~> 2.0"}
Hex packages.
Handling wallets
Below we demonstrate how to
- generate a new private key,
- load a private key from hexadecimal encoding,
- derive a public key from a private key,
- derive a raw Warthog address form a public key and
- extend the raw Warthog address by its checksum to obtain an ordinary Warthog address.
from ecdsa import SigningKey, SECP256k1
# Handling wallets
# generate private key
pk = SigningKey.generate(curve=SECP256k1)
# alternatively read private key
pkhex= '966a71a98bb5d13e9116c0dffa3f1a7877e45c6f563897b96cfd5c59bf0803e0'
pk = SigningKey.from_string(bytes.fromhex(pkhex),curve=SECP256k1)
# print private key
# derive public key
pubkey = pk.get_verifying_key().to_string('compressed')
# print public key
print("public key:")
# convert public key to raw addresss
from Crypto.Hash import RIPEMD160, SHA256
sha = SHA256.SHA256Hash(pubkey).digest()
addr_raw = RIPEMD160.RIPEMD160Hash(sha).digest()
# generate address by appending checksum
addr_hash = SHA256.SHA256Hash(addr_raw).digest()
checksum = addr_hash[0:4]
addr = addr_raw + checksum
# print address
const elliptic = require('elliptic');
const crypto = require('node:crypto');
const ec = new elliptic.ec('secp256k1');
// Handling wallets
// generate private key
var pk = ec.genKeyPair()
// alternatively read private key
var pkhex= '966a71a98bb5d13e9116c0dffa3f1a7877e45c6f563897b96cfd5c59bf0803e0'
var pk = ec.keyFromPrivate(pkhex);
// convert private key to hex
pkhex = pk.getPrivate().toString("hex")
while (pkhex.length < 64) {
pkhex = "0" + pkhex;
// print private key:
console.log("private key:", pkhex)
// derive public key
var pubKey = pk.getPublic().encodeCompressed("hex");
// print public key
console.log("public key:", pubKey)
// convert public key to raw addresss
var sha = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(Buffer.from(pubKey,"hex")).digest()
var addrRaw = crypto.createHash('ripemd160').update(sha).digest()
// generate address by appending checksum
var checksum = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(addrRaw).digest().slice(0,4)
var addr = Buffer.concat([addrRaw , checksum]).toString("hex")
// print address
console.log("address:", addr)
# Handling wallets
# generate private key
pk = Curvy.generate_key()
# alternatively read private key
pk = "966a71a98bb5d13e9116c0dffa3f1a7877e45c6f563897b96cfd5c59bf0803e0" |> Base.decode16!(case: :lower) |> Curvy.Key.from_privkey()
# print private key
# derive public key
pubkey = Curvy.Key.to_pubkey(pk)
# print public key
# convert public key to raw addresss
addr_raw = :crypto.hash(:ripemd160,:crypto.hash(:sha256,pubkey))
# generate address by appending checksum
<< checksum :: binary-size(4),_::binary>> = :crypto.hash(:sha256,addr_raw)
addr= addr_raw<>checksum
# print address
IO.puts("address: #{addr|>Base.encode16()}")
Generating, signing and sending a transfer transaction
In Warthog transactions are pinned to a specific block the blockchain. The height of this block is its pinHeight
, its hash the pinHash
. This information has to be retrieved from the node in order to start generating a transaction, a transaction with a pinHeight
that is too old be discarded.
This serves two purposes
- Users can be sure that transactions will not be pending forever.
- By choosing a particular
users can actively control the time to live (TTL) of a pending transaction before it is discarded.
Not all height values are valid pinHeights
, instead they must be a multiple of 32. For convenience the /chain/head
endpoint provides the latest pinHeight
value together with the corresponding block hash pinHash
. In our code sample below we will use this endpoint.
In addition we demonstrate how to create the bytes to sign, how a valid sekp256k1 recoverable signature in custom format is generated and how to send the transaction to the Warthog node via a HTTP POST request. For reference read the API guide. The below code uses the private key pk
variable from the above code snippet.
# Generate a signed transaction
import requests
import json
# get pinHash and pinHeight from warthog node
head_raw = requests.get(baseurl+'/chain/head').content
head = json.loads(head_raw)
pinHash = head["data"]["pinHash"]
pinHeight = head["data"]["pinHeight"]
# send parameters
nonceId = 0 # 32 bit number, unique per pinHash and pinHeight
toAddr = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000de47c9b2' # burn destination address
amountE8 = 100000000 # 1 WART, this must be an integer, coin amount * 10E8
# round fee from WART amount
rawFee = "0.00009999" # this needs to be rounded, WARNING: NO SCIENTIFIC NOTATION
result = requests.get(baseurl+'/tools/encode16bit/from_string/'+rawFee).content
encode16bit_result = json.loads(result)
feeE8 = encode16bit_result["data"]["roundedE8"] # 9992
# alternative: round fee from E8 amount
rawFeeE8 = "9999" # this needs to be rounded
result = requests.get(baseurl+'/tools/encode16bit/from_e8/'+rawFeeE8).content
encode16bit_result = json.loads(result)
feeE8 = encode16bit_result["data"]["roundedE8"] # 9992
# generate bytes to sign
to_sign =\
pinHeight.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big') +\
nonceId.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big') +\
feeE8.to_bytes(8, byteorder='big')+\
amountE8.to_bytes(8, byteorder='big')
# create signature
from pycoin.ecdsa.secp256k1 import secp256k1_generator
from hashlib import sha256
private_key = pk.privkey.secret_multiplier
digest = sha256(to_sign).digest()
# sign with recovery id
(r, s, rec_id) = secp256k1_generator.sign_with_recid(private_key, int.from_bytes(digest, 'big'))
# normalize to lower s
if s > secp256k1_generator.order()/2: #
s = secp256k1_generator.order() - s
rec_id ^= 1 # https://github.com/bitcoin-core/secp256k1/blob/e72103932d5421f3ae501f4eba5452b1b454cb6e/src/ecdsa_impl.h#L295
signature65 = r.to_bytes(32,byteorder='big')+s.to_bytes(32,byteorder='big')+rec_id.to_bytes(1,byteorder='big')
# post transaction request to warthog node
postdata = {
"pinHeight": pinHeight,
"nonceId": nonceId,
"toAddr": toAddr,
"amountE8": amountE8,
"feeE8": feeE8,
"signature65": signature65.hex()
rep = requests.post(baseurl + "/transaction/add", json = postdata)
Javascript does not support 64 bit integers natively, one has to resort to BigInt
, which does not serialize as a JSON number required by the API. Therefore we are just serializing a normal Javascript number which will only be accurate up to 15 digits, i.e. only 7 figure WART amounts can be precisely handled this way because Warthog has a precision of 8 digits after comma. The total hard cap of WART is 18m which is a 8 figure number, so practically the 7 figures should be sufficient for most purposes.
// Generate a signed transaction
var crypto = require("crypto");
var request = require("sync-request");
var secp256k1 = require("secp256k1");
var baseurl = "http://localhost:3000";
// get pinHash and pinHeight from warthog node
var head = JSON.parse(request("GET", baseurl + "/chain/head").body.toString());
var pinHeight = head.data.pinHeight;
var pinHash = head.data.pinHash;
// send parameters
var nonceId = 0; // 32 bit number, unique per pinHash and pinHeight
var toAddr = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000de47c9b2"; // burn destination address
var amountE8 = 100000000; // 1 WART, this must be an integer, coin amount * 10E8
// round fee from WART amount
var rawFee = "0.00009999"; // this needs to be rounded, WARNING: NO SCIENTIFIC NOTATION
var result = request(
baseurl + "/tools/encode16bit/from_string/" + rawFee
var encode16bit_result = JSON.parse(result);
var feeE8 = encode16bit_result["data"]["roundedE8"]; // 9992
// alternative: round fee from E8 amount
var rawFeeE8 = "9999"; // this needs to be rounded
result = request(
baseurl + "/tools/encode16bit/from_e8/" + rawFeeE8
encode16bit_result = JSON.parse(result);
feeE8 = encode16bit_result["data"]["roundedE8"]; // 9992
// generate bytes to sign
var buf1 = Buffer.from(pinHash, "hex");
var buf2 = Buffer.alloc(19);
buf2.writeUInt32BE(pinHeight, 0);
buf2.writeUInt32BE(nonceId, 4);
buf2.writeUInt8(0, 8);
buf2.writeUInt8(0, 9);
buf2.writeUInt8(0, 10);
buf2.writeBigUInt64BE(BigInt(feeE8), 11);
var buf3 = Buffer.from(toAddr.slice(0, 40), "hex");
var buf4 = Buffer.alloc(8);
buf4.writeBigUInt64BE(BigInt(amountE8), 0);
var toSign = Buffer.concat([buf1, buf2, buf3, buf4]);
// sign with recovery id
var signHash = crypto.createHash("sha256").update(toSign).digest();
var signed = secp256k1.ecdsaSign(signHash, Buffer.from(pkhex, "hex"));
var signatureWithoutRecid = Buffer.from(signed.signature);
var signatureWithoutRecidNormalized = secp256k1.signatureNormalize(
var recid = signed.recid;
// normalize to lower s
if (
Buffer.compare(signatureWithoutRecid, signatureWithoutRecidNormalized) !== 0
) {
recid = recid ^ 1;
var recidBuffer = Buffer.alloc(1);
// form full signature
var signature65 = Buffer.concat([signatureWithoutRecidNormalized, recidBuffer]);
// post transaction request to warthog node
var postdata = {
pinHeight: pinHeight,
nonceId: nonceId,
toAddr: toAddr,
amountE8: amountE8,
feeE8: feeE8,
signature65: signature65.toString("hex"),
var res = request("POST", baseurl + "/transaction/add", {
json: postdata,
console.log("send result:", res);
# Generate a signed transaction
baseurl = "http://localhost:3000"
# get pinHash and pinHeight from warthog node
head = HTTPoison.get!(baseurl <> "/chain/head").body|>Jason.decode!()
pinHash = head["data"]["pinHash"]
pinHeight = head["data"]["pinHeight"]
# send parameters
nonceId = 0 # 32 bit number, unique per pinHash and pinHeight
toAddr = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000de47c9b2" # burn destination address
amountE8 = 100000000 # 1 WART, this must be an integer, coin amount * 10E8
# round fee from WART amount
rawFee = "0.00009999" # this needs to be rounded, WARNING: NO SCIENTIFIC NOTATION
result = HTTPoison.get!(baseurl<>"/tools/encode16bit/from_string/#{rawFee}").body
encode16bit_result = Jason.decode!(result)
feeE8 = encode16bit_result["data"]["roundedE8"] # 9992
# alternative: round fee from E8 amount
rawFeeE8 = "9999" # this needs to be rounded
result = HTTPoison.get!(baseurl<>"/tools/encode16bit/from_e8/#{rawFeeE8}").body
encode16bit_result = Jason.decode!(result)
feeE8 = encode16bit_result["data"]["roundedE8"] # 9992
# generate bytes to sign
to_sign =
Base.decode16!(pinHash, case: :lower) <>
<<pinHeight ::big-unsigned-size(32)>> <>
<<nonceId ::big-unsigned-size(32)>> <>
<<0 ::big-unsigned-size(24)>> <>
<<feeE8 ::big-unsigned-size(64)>> <>
binary_part(toAddr|>Base.decode16!(case: :lower),0,20) <>
<<amountE8 ::big-unsigned-size(64)>>
# create normalized signature
<<recid::size(8), rs::binary-size(64)>> = Curvy.sign(to_sign, pk, hash: :sha256, compact: true, normalize: true)
signature65 = rs <> <<(recid-31) ::8>>
# post transaction request to warthog node
postdata = %{
pinHeight: pinHeight,
nonceId: nonceId,
toAddr: toAddr,
amountE8: amountE8,
feeE8: feeE8,
signature65: signature65 |> Base.encode16
HTTPoison.post!(baseurl <> "/transaction/add", Jason.encode!(postdata)).body