# Configuration

API is accessed via the RPC endpoints of the node. The endpoints socket can be configured via the --rpc command line option:

JSON RPC endpoint options:
  -r, --rpc=IP:PORT          JSON RPC endpoint  (default=`')

For example invoke

$./wart-node --rpc=

to start the node with RPC listening on all devices on port 3000.

Below we assume the RPC socket is accessible at localhost:3000. On startup the node reports the RPC endpoint setting:

[info] RPC endpoint is

# Endpoint Overview

You can see an HTML overview of all supported RPC endpoints by opening localhost:3000 in your browser. Currently the following endpoints are supported:

POST /transaction/add Send transactions
GET /transaction/mempool Show content of mempool
GET /transaction/lookup/:txid Transaction lookup
GET /chain/head Show info on chain head
GET /chain/grid Show header grid (used for sync)
GET /chain/block/:id/hash Show hash of specific block
GET /chain/signed_snapshot Show chain snapshot
GET /chain/block/:id/header Show header of specific block
GET /chain/block/:id Show header and body of specific block
GET /chain/mine/:address Generate data required for mining
GET /chain/txcache Show transaction cache
GET /chain/hashrate/:windows Show current hashrate based on latest n blocks
GET /chain/hashrate/chart/:from/:to/:window
POST /chain/append Append mined block
GET /account/:account/balance Show balance of specific account
GET /account/:account/history/:beforeTxIndex Show transaction history of specific account
GET /peers/ip_count Show peer IPs
GET /peers/banned Show banned peers
GET /peers/unban Unban all peers
GET /peers/offenses/:page Show offenses of peers
GET /peers/connected Show info of connected peers
GET /peers/endpoints Show known peer endpoints
GET /peers/connect_timers Show timers used for reconnect
GET /tools/encode16bit/from_e8/:feeE8 Round raw 64 integer to closest 16 bit representation (for fee specification)
GET /tools/encode16bit/from_string/:feestring Round coin amount string to closest 16 bit representation (for fee specification)
GET /tools/janushash_number/:headerhex Show number interpretation of a header's janushash
GET /tools/wallet/new Create a new wallet
GET /tools/wallet/from_privkey/:privkey Restore wallet from a private key
WEBSOCKET /ws/chain_delta Get chain delta events

# Detailed Description

# POST /transaction/add

Send transactions in JSON format:

pinHeight unsigned 32 bit integer Signature includes block hash at this height
nonceId unsigned 32 bit integer To avoid double spend, there can only be one transaction with a specific (pinHeight,nonceId) pair. The same nonceId can be used for different pinHeight values
toAddr string of length 48 The address that coins shall be transferred to
amount (optional) string Amount of coins to send. Format must be string, non-scientific notation with at most 8 digits after comma. "1" or "1.00000000" are valid.
amountE8 (optional) unsigned 64 bit integer Amount of coins to send multiplied by 10^8. For example to send one coin this value must be 100000000.
fee (optional) string Amount of coins to spend on transaction fees. This value must be exactly representable value in a 16 bit encoding, see below.
feeE8 (optional) unsigned 64 bit integer Amount of coins to spend on transaction fees multiplied by 10^8. For example to send one 0.00000001 coins this value must be 1. This value must be exactly representable value in a 16 bit encoding, see below.
signature65 string of length 130 hex-encoded 65 byte compact recoverable ECDSA signature in custom format, see below.


  • The transfer amount must be specified either via amount or via amountE8.
  • The transaction fee must be specified either via fee or via feeE8.
  • Miner fee must be exactly representable in a 16 bit encoding.

# Details on fees

Fees are not subtracted from the amount sent in the transaction. The sender spends both, transfer amount and transaction fee, toAddr receives the transferred amount and the miner of the block including this transaction gets the transaction fee.

For efficiency and compactness transaction fees are internally encoded as 2-byte floating-point numbers (16 bits), where the first 6 bits encode the exponent and the remaining 10 bits encode a 11 bit mantissa starting with an implicit 1. Of course not every 64 bit value can be encoded in 16 bits and only fee 64 bit values which are representable exactly in the 16 bits encoding are accepted. You can use the /tools/encode16bit/from_e8/:feeE8 or /tools/encode16bit/from_string/:feestring endpoints to round an arbitrary 64-bit fee value to an accepted 64 bit value.

# How to specify the sender?

The sender's address is recovered from the recoverable ECDSA signature signature65. It is implicitly specified by creating a signature with the corresponding private key.

# Signature generation

The following steps are required:

  1. Call the /chain/head endpoint and extract the pinHash and pinHeight fields.

  2. Compute transaction hash. The transaction hash is the SHA256 hash of the following bytes:

1 -32 pinHash (hash of block at height pinHeight)
33-36 pinHeight (uint32_t in network byte order)
37-40 nonceId (uint32_t in network byte order)
41-43 reserved (3 bytes containing 0)
44-51 feeE8 (uint64_t in network byte order)
52-71 toAddr receiving address (20 bytes without the final 4 byte checksum)
72-79 amountE8 (uint64_t in network byte order)
  1. Generate the secp256k1-ECDSA recoverable signature of the 32-byte transaction hash using the private key corresponding to the sender's address. The signature will have three properties:
  • r: 32 byte coordinate parameter
  • s: 32 byte coordinate parameter
  • recid: 1 byte recovery id, it should automatically have one of the four values 0,1,2,3.
  1. Concatenate the parameters to form the 65-byte compact normalized (lower s) recoverable signature with the following byte structure:
1 -32 r
33-64 s
65 recid

Note that this is not the standard compact recoverable signature representation because in Warthog, the recoverable id is the last byte of the 65 byte signature and has no offset of 27.

# Integration guides

We provide working code snippets on how to generate and send transactions in Python3, Elixir and NodeJS.

# POST /transaction/add

Send transactions in JSON format, returns transaction hash in hex format:

"code": 0,
"data": {
 "txHash": <txhash> 

# GET /transaction/mempool

Show content of mempool. Example output:

"code": 0,
"data": {
 "data": []

# GET /transaction/lookup/:txid

Transaction lookup by transaction id. Example output of /transaction/lookup/4b3bc48295742b71ff7c3b98ede5b652fafd16c67f0d2db6226e936a1cdbf0a5:

"code": 0,
"data": {
 "transaction": {
  "amount": "3.00000000",
  "amountE8": 300000000,
  "blockHeight": 376696,
  "confirmations": 8,
  "timestamp": 1695472249,
  "toAddress": "848b08b803e95640f8cb30af1b3166701b152b98c2cd70ee",
  "txHash": "4b3bc48295742b71ff7c3b98ede5b652fafd16c67f0d2db6226e936a1cdbf0a5",
  "type": "Reward",
  "utc": "2023-09-23 12:30:49 UTC"

# GET /chain/head

Show info on chain head. Example output:

"code": 0,
"data": {
 "difficulty": 30866431555762.105,
 "hash": "e9dfdcfdeec3c5376dd682e09cce909dc255d611e9cb36974bcbcbcecb6fb432",
 "height": 1198931,
 "is_janushash": true,
 "pinHash": "a7bd097d9c10dc393239f169f6dd5352e0b4e28e942aaa78b54c57ed1ec7315b",
 "pinHeight": 1198912,
 "synced": true,
 "worksum": 1.008584641271857e+19,
 "worksumHex": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008bf81fe0113cf6a0"

# GET /chain/grid

Show hexadecimal header grid. This grid is used for chain sync to allow nodes spot points where chains diverge. Example output (truncated):

"code": 0,
"data": [

# GET /chain/signed_snapshot

Show chain snapshot. Example output

"code": 0,
"data": {
 "header": {
  "difficulty": 5850035871080.048,
  "hash": "ac4f50ef90c0730075f4995d0b33691e9e7d69f84d2191c029371c0000000000",
  "merkleroot": "a4d44aff9ebd539f2b5e758fb76df22bfd13a2e4d894752c7892f9e9c3f3d969",
  "nonce": "0d8e8eab",
  "prevHash": "11f2b6860910f7b544e01fd5ed5419588c29e42b305553bd492a0d0000000000",
  "raw": "11f2b6860910f7b544e01fd5ed5419588c29e42b305553bd492a0d00000000002ac075d9a4d44aff9ebd539f2b5e758fb76df22bfd13a2e4d894752c7892f9e9c3f3d96900000001650bd0820d8e8eab",
  "target": "d975c02a",
  "timestamp": 1695273090,
  "utc": "2023-09-21 05:11:30 UTC",
  "version": "00000001"

# GET /chain/block/:id/hash

Show hash of specific block. Example output of /chain/block/366700/hash

"code": 0,
"data": {
 "hash": "ac4f50ef90c0730075f4995d0b33691e9e7d69f84d2191c029371c0000000000"

# GET /chain/block/:id/header

Show header of specific block.

Example output of /chain/block/366700/header

"code": 0,
"data": {
 "header": {
  "difficulty": 5850035871080.048,
  "hash": "ac4f50ef90c0730075f4995d0b33691e9e7d69f84d2191c029371c0000000000",
  "merkleroot": "a4d44aff9ebd539f2b5e758fb76df22bfd13a2e4d894752c7892f9e9c3f3d969",
  "nonce": "0d8e8eab",
  "prevHash": "11f2b6860910f7b544e01fd5ed5419588c29e42b305553bd492a0d0000000000",
  "raw": "11f2b6860910f7b544e01fd5ed5419588c29e42b305553bd492a0d00000000002ac075d9a4d44aff9ebd539f2b5e758fb76df22bfd13a2e4d894752c7892f9e9c3f3d96900000001650bd0820d8e8eab",
  "target": "d975c02a",
  "timestamp": 1695273090,
  "utc": "2023-09-21 05:11:30 UTC",
  "version": "00000001"

# GET/chain/block/:id

Show header and body of specific block. Example output of /chain/block/366700

"code": 0,
"data": {
 "body": {
  "rewards": [
    "amount": "3.00000001",
    "amountE8": 300000001,
    "toAddress": "848b08b803e95640f8cb30af1b3166701b152b98c2cd70ee",
    "txHash": "660b6f0883e4b295d5a3920eea9c73636787b932efd00cacc6d3a9a89f540714"
  "transfers": [
    "amount": "5000.00000000",
    "amountE8": 500000000000,
    "fee": "0.00000001",
    "feeE8": 1,
    "fromAddress": "1711cadfe5a66a5f5f245fc78b2335f79da362178a72de2e",
    "nonceId": 131630562,
    "pinHeight": 366688,
    "toAddress": "8733d0e21bc791f44785f02753bb589b8423eb56cd938fbc",
    "txHash": "f364da997bf7a3c3bc8ead22041509228d6bdea39fcbcdc6be56030433d54219"
 "confirmations": 9970,
 "header": {
  "difficulty": 5850035871080.048,
  "hash": "ac4f50ef90c0730075f4995d0b33691e9e7d69f84d2191c029371c0000000000",
  "merkleroot": "a4d44aff9ebd539f2b5e758fb76df22bfd13a2e4d894752c7892f9e9c3f3d969",
  "nonce": "0d8e8eab",
  "prevHash": "11f2b6860910f7b544e01fd5ed5419588c29e42b305553bd492a0d0000000000",
  "raw": "11f2b6860910f7b544e01fd5ed5419588c29e42b305553bd492a0d00000000002ac075d9a4d44aff9ebd539f2b5e758fb76df22bfd13a2e4d894752c7892f9e9c3f3d96900000001650bd0820d8e8eab",
  "target": "d975c02a",
  "timestamp": 1695273090,
  "utc": "2023-09-21 05:11:30 UTC",
  "version": "00000001"
 "height": 366700,
 "timestamp": 1695273090,
 "utc": "2023-09-21 05:11:30 UTC"

# GET /chain/mine/:address

Generate data required for mining. Example output of /chain/mine/11c6c0f7148a845cc899360a38fa839ba3d5e719293bb5c6

 "code": 0,
 "data": {
  "blockReward": "3.00000000",
  "blockRewardE8": 300000000,
  "body": "000000000000000000000001e94f274f08cf64bd76688ffb34012269e045b737000000000000098d0000000011e1a300",
  "difficulty": 30866431555762.105,
  "header": "50eaaf1453c84cabef749af9064d73d881174a44d7f165122400604e71342f9d0b2479fd6ec2b44e00bed326c9116b2f85f9f72bdd2157cc521cf49d0cf360fad91b881e00000002660ab00400000000",
  "height": 1198924,
  "merklePrefix": "72aa3aa84afd92af788b750d28ed9fe247d8788956bbdddc5a92cbdcb5925e4fbe20dcff8dc31364a524061ff0235bd78c9786d6d29dd2a73b49efacb57966d6",
  "synced": true,
  "testnet": false,
  "totalTxFee": "0",
  "totalTxFeeE8": 0

### `GET /chain/txcache`

 Show transaction cache. Example output:

 "code": 0,
 "data": []

# GET /chain/hashrate/:window

Show current hashrate based on latest n blocks

Example output of /chain/hashrate/100

"code": 0,
"data": {
 "lastNBlocksEstimate": 296429051797,
 "N": 100

# POST /chain/append

Append mined block. Miners must POST mined block they received from GET /chain/mine/:address. TODO: Detailed description

# GET /account/:account/balance

Show balance of specific account. Example output:

"code": 0,
"data": {
 "accountId": 198,
 "balance": "5027.00000000",
 "balanceE8": 502700000000
"code": 0,
"data": {
 "blockReward": "3.00000000",
 "blockRewardE8": 300000000,
 "body": "000000000000000000000001e94f274f08cf64bd76688ffb34012269e045b737000000000000098d0000000011e1a300",
 "difficulty": 30866431555762.105,
 "header": "50eaaf1453c84cabef749af9064d73d881174a44d7f165122400604e71342f9d0b2479fd6ec2b44e00bed326c9116b2f85f9f72bdd2157cc521cf49d0cf360fad91b881e00000002660ab00400000000",
 "height": 1198924,
 "merklePrefix": "72aa3aa84afd92af788b750d28ed9fe247d8788956bbdddc5a92cbdcb5925e4fbe20dcff8dc31364a524061ff0235bd78c9786d6d29dd2a73b49efacb57966d6",
 "synced": true,
 "testnet": false,
 "totalTxFee": "0",
 "totalTxFeeE8": 0

# GET /account/:account/history/:beforeTxIndex

Show transaction history of specific account Example output:

"code": 0,
"data": {
 "balance": "5027.00000000",
 "balanceE8": 502700000000,
 "fromId": 69626,
 "perBlock": [
   "confirmations": 9949,
   "height": 366700,
   "transactions": {
    "rewards": [],
    "transfers": [
      "amount": "5000.00000000",
      "amountE8": 500000000000,
      "fee": "0.00000001",
      "feeE8": 1,
      "fromAddress": "1711cadfe5a66a5f5f245fc78b2335f79da362178a72de2e",
      "nonceId": 131630562,
      "pinHeight": 366688,
      "toAddress": "8733d0e21bc791f44785f02753bb589b8423eb56cd938fbc",
      "txHash": "f364da997bf7a3c3bc8ead22041509228d6bdea39fcbcdc6be56030433d54219"
   "confirmations": 298316,
   "height": 78333,
   "transactions": {
    "rewards": [
      "amount": "3.00000000",
      "amountE8": 300000000,
      "toAddress": "8733d0e21bc791f44785f02753bb589b8423eb56cd938fbc",
      "txHash": "bc1b3a369c63884b013ff798ecb1d964685706d25bfaa8519d301779a6566b2a"
    "transfers": []

# GET /tools/encode16bit/from_e8/:feeE8

Round raw fee integer representation (coin amount is this number divided by 10^8) to closest 16 bit representation. This is required for fee specification in the /transaction/add endpoint. Example output of /tools/encode16bit/from_e8/5002

 "code": 0,
 "data": {
  "16bit": 12514,
  "originalAmount": "0.00005002",
  "originalE8": 5002,
  "roundedAmount": "0.00005000",
  "roundedE8": 5000

# GET /tools/encode16bit/from_string/:feestring

Round fee amount string to closest 16 bit representation. This is required for fee specification in the /transaction/add endpoint. Example output of /tools/encode16bit/from_string/0.001:

 "code": 0,
 "data": {
  "16bit": 16922,
  "originalAmount": "0.00100000",
  "originalE8": 100000,
  "roundedAmount": "0.00099968",
  "roundedE8": 99968

# GET /tools/janushash_number/:headerhex

Show number interpretation of a header's janushash. Header is specified in hexadecimal encoding.

Example output of /tools/janushash_number/<some 160 character hex string>:


# GET /tools/wallet/new

Create a new wallet.

Example output of /tools/wallet/new:

 "code": 0,
 "data": {
  "address": "11c6c0f7148a845cc899360a38fa839ba3d5e719293bb5c6",
  "privKey": "d711913bea313c7a9007e115a5969d9e1127f119d7ec72b3d713f698ab591488",
  "pubKey": "03a907038c8aba55cecf71b242c18d4c92e2a37ff83b8779444f10ceb720fe4551"

# GET /tools/wallet/from_privkey/:privkey

Restore wallet from a private key.

Example output of /tools/wallet/from_privkey/d3ce2210adf0fccabe31b61309e2b80c029a7e4e305aeed29432edd428d35c3d:

 "code": 0,
 "data": {
  "address": "31bfdc6b23b22130edc05073cffa29be793a32518769180e",
  "privKey": "d3ce2210adf0fccabe31b61309e2b80c029a7e4e305aeed29432edd428d35c3d",
  "pubKey": "022ad688a8ccc4898b2b923088e9f297785e8852a6bdc33b7e87ffea3d3e63e32b"

# WEBSOCKET /stream

This websocket endpoint allows real-time data streams on several topics such as chain, account and connection related information. Subscribe with a message containing "action": "subscribe" and unsubscribe similarly with "action": "unsubscribe", as shown below.

Subscribe to 10 latest blocks. Upon subscription, the 10 latest blocks are provided in a chain.state message. When chain is appended (no rollback), either incremental updates are given (i.e. new blocks) as a chain.append message or (in case of more than 10 new blocks) the latest 10 blocks are provided in a chain.state message. When chain is appended with rollback, a chain.fork message is sent over the websocket connection.


{"action": "subscribe", "topic": "account", "params": {"address": "f07353f22a59c6a98042f29ec87d1fc0f44a6c3ceea24797"}}

Event types

  1. chain.state Receive 10 latest blocks.
  "latestBlocks": [
      "body": {
        "rewards": [
            "amount": "3.00000000",
            "amountE8": 300000000,
            "toAddress": "f07353f22a59c6a98042f29ec87d1fc0f44a6c3ceea24797",
            "txHash": "fe33577de3186c1869f9084bfe0aeaee2e92c8fe10f87eedb438036b341b98ef"
        "transfers": []
      "confirmations": 11,
      "header": {
        "difficulty": 14142941042437.885,
        "hash": "80b200a9ac37d7c41d98ad1cc2d6add8ab50a3905bf52d8347b56955923c28bc",
        "merkleroot": "f3c41bf363fe94eb448bf924f791f77c22a2ebd6a3a5d8948f8aff019f072bea",
        "nonce": "2719fef5",
        "pow": {
          "floatSha256t": 0.010330632328987122,
          "floatVerus": 6.267357060779177e-13,
          "hashSha256t": "02a507400db273886cd1bdc61e05bc4bde6978d74ce6e48d33a46fa705c59ae1",
          "hashVerus": "0000000000b069112cc0caf14507169f6adf1e5278a2ef286cddc89f1162d7ca",
          "verusV2.2": true
        "prevHash": "05b42d206f8a4b2b8094199fd28423151af8aa54a5073ac6e6805f42096dc3a2",
        "raw": "05b42d206f8a4b2b8094199fd28423151af8aa54a5073ac6e6805f42096dc3a20ae7cde7f3c41bf363fe94eb448bf924f791f77c22a2ebd6a3a5d8948f8aff019f072bea0000000366f2fefb2719fef5",
        "target": "0ae7cde7",
        "timestamp": 1727201019,
        "utc": "2024-09-24 18:03:39 UTC",
        "version": "00000003"
      "height": 1949766,
      "timestamp": 1727201019,
      "utc": "2024-09-24 18:03:39 UTC"
      "body": {
        "rewards": [
            "amount": "3.00000000",
            "amountE8": 300000000,
            "toAddress": "e4f3052d8c5858ddeca667b2130eec5886c8e9d7fcdea3ec",
            "txHash": "fab8b317590c011ba4fbfcc27824892fd4d822bd194d373c7ea21da05e22f10b"
        "transfers": []
      "confirmations": 1,
      "header": {
        "difficulty": 14142941042437.885,
        "hash": "cbaa8aefc5c5df6a4cfa8134bb6780895c0389f40a8c0f8ca9c627e1177ea2df",
        "merkleroot": "ac7e68f57176e65e1ff9263d47a28e898d1cac505d57e28665f236bf126d3f6d",
        "nonce": "023fdc6a",
        "pow": {
          "floatSha256t": 0.014122519874945283,
          "floatVerus": 6.624495242688164e-14,
          "hashSha256t": "039d8891ce3ef0432b9efb50d527b62496f4892a7f0594fcc71957b99cd41434",
          "hashVerus": "000000000012a573afadcbac539deda01718c3fdac34099569fd71bb3dfb14d8",
          "verusV2.2": true
        "prevHash": "bf788e2e5a82ee12859d0f9d6c0543233c4f6af1f29f99dcd93042e4c9398471",
        "raw": "bf788e2e5a82ee12859d0f9d6c0543233c4f6af1f29f99dcd93042e4c93984710ae7cde7ac7e68f57176e65e1ff9263d47a28e898d1cac505d57e28665f236bf126d3f6d0000000366f3003b023fdc6a",
        "target": "0ae7cde7",
        "timestamp": 1727201339,
        "utc": "2024-09-24 18:08:59 UTC",
        "version": "00000003"
      "height": 1949776,
      "timestamp": 1727201339,
      "utc": "2024-09-24 18:08:59 UTC"
  "eventName": "chain.state",
  "head": {
    "difficulty": 14142941042437.885,
    "hash": "cbaa8aefc5c5df6a4cfa8134bb6780895c0389f40a8c0f8ca9c627e1177ea2df",
    "height": 1949776,
    "is_janushash": true,
    "pinHash": "568e30a9abdbc510c9a21ec2dcb636e66cd4d1fb60028a31c65906069114e988",
    "pinHeight": 1949760,
    "worksum": 29360669698622464000,
    "worksumHex": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000197760d8809f796a0"
  1. chain.append
  "eventName": "chain.append",
  "head": {
    "difficulty": 14142941042437.885,
    "hash": "1edd2043a92ac4747487aecaa7dc8145b6bf8ae4509c3bae4e4d9ad9727fe4ee",
    "height": 1950121,
    "is_janushash": true,
    "pinHash": "ae8e35d5e0ab86b4a30612b37717e29ea2d4d21f039abe130fcb94b03079e073",
    "pinHeight": 1950112,
    "worksum": 29365549013281480000,
    "worksumHex": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000019787633e02f726a0"
  "newBlocks": {
    "data": [
        "body": {
          "rewards": [],
          "transfers": []
        "confirmations": 0,
        "header": {
          "difficulty": 14142941042437.885,
          "hash": "1edd2043a92ac4747487aecaa7dc8145b6bf8ae4509c3bae4e4d9ad9727fe4ee",
          "merkleroot": "dcfeba982307da35c0098709c20f4ea0a4f04e0bbcd1b0c34c8ecc30157159eb",
          "nonce": "1aace551",
          "pow": {
            "floatSha256t": 0.012002777308225632,
            "floatVerus": 6.341241019439662e-13,
            "hashSha256t": "03129d3047448ed01936f206d4a5f59de702a35df450d36706ef93545cf03c36",
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          "timestamp": 1727209020,
          "utc": "2024-09-24 20:17:00 UTC",
          "version": "00000003"
        "height": 1950121,
        "timestamp": 1727209020,
        "utc": "2024-09-24 20:17:00 UTC"
  1. chain.fork
  "eventName": "chain.fork",
  "head": {
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    "hash": "8bb4c08b71a496921d121460c55041678943c89107a59306fda948dfc2c8dc8a",
    "height": 1950129,
    "is_janushash": true,
    "pinHash": "ae8e35d5e0ab86b4a30612b37717e29ea2d4d21f039abe130fcb94b03079e073",
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  "latestBlocks": {
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          "transfers": []
        "confirmations": 11,
        "header": {
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          "target": "0ae7cde7",
          "timestamp": 1727208972,
          "utc": "2024-09-24 20:16:12 UTC",
          "version": "00000003"
        "height": 1950119,
        "timestamp": 1727208972,
        "utc": "2024-09-24 20:16:12 UTC"
  "rollbackLength": 1950127

Subscribe to account updates such as new transactions and balance changes. Address is specified in the message["params"]["address"] field. To unsubscribe, this parameter has be specified again.


{"action": "subscribe", "topic": "account", "params": {"address": "f07353f22a59c6a98042f29ec87d1fc0f44a6c3ceea24797"}}

Event types

  1. account.state
  "address": "f07353f22a59c6a98042f29ec87d1fc0f44a6c3ceea24797",
  "balance": "51557.99973680",
  "balanceE8": 5155799973680,
  "eventName": "account.state",
  "history": []
  1. account.delta
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  "eventName": "account.delta",
  "history": {
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          "target": "0ae7cde7",
          "timestamp": 1727201019,
          "utc": "2024-09-24 18:03:39 UTC",
          "version": "00000003"
        "height": 1949766,
        "timestamp": 1727201019,
        "utc": "2024-09-24 18:03:39 UTC"

Subscribe to connection state and deltas. After subscription, a connection.state message is sent. New connections trigger a connection.add message while removed connections trigger a connection.remove message.


{"action": "subscribe", "topic": "connection"}

Event types

  1. connection.state
  "connections": [
      "id": 22,
      "inbound": false,
      "peerAddr": "tcp://",
      "since": 0
      "id": 1261,
      "inbound": false,
      "peerAddr": "tcp://",
      "since": 0
  "eventName": "connection.state",
  "total": 16
  1. connection.add
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    "since": 0
  "eventName": "connection.add",
  "total": 3
  1. connection.remove
  "eventName": "connection.remove",
  "id": 83,
  "total": 2