



Developer Diary /
Who is CoinFu MasterShifu?
Author: CoinFuMasterShifu
Released: 2025-01-11

Hi all!

I am CoinFu MasterShifu and I am the inventor of Proof of Balanced Work

I have a strong technical background in mathematics and statistics and after a long time at university, I decided that I wanted to join the interesting field of block chain technology. I read a lot and caught up quickly, then started to look at Bitcoin's and Monero's source code to fill the little gaps that are not taught in books. Soon after that I wrote a pool for a new blockchain project that unfortunately died because the founder disappeared. It was a very sad time for me because I had spent countless hours into that project.

At that time I was scanning Bitcointalk for new interesting projects and that's how I found Warthog. I immediately started to like it as the code was much cleaner and better than the failed project I had been with before. At the time I found Warthog, the project needed a new Proof of Work algorithm and luckily I had thought about a completely new and revolutionary way to combine two hash algorithms into one mining algorithm for a while. There was still a long way to research the details of the theory and write my paper "Proof of Balanced Work: The Theory of Mining Hash Products" but eventually it was complete and everything had worked out as I had imagined it.

When I had implemented it into Warthog some bad guys were trying to exploit the fact that I did not write high-performance GPU code and I had to tweak the algorithm several times, which was actually a funny game of cat and mouse to minimize the effect of their specialized GPU code of my open-source miner. The good thing is that this process eventually gave me the idea to implant the diminishing returns feature into Warthog's Janushash mining algorithm which is protecting us these days from SHA256t ASICs and FPGAs as long as they can't scale Verushash V2.2! .

After this demonstration of my math, coding and blockchain skills I became a core dev of Warthog which I am still today. These days I am working on other crazy and revolutionary new features for Warthog because I want to see what's possible in blockchain technology. I want to be part of this revolution!

Actually I should take some time off but the project needs me :)

CoinFu MasterShifu

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