



News Update /
Rafiki's Happy New Year!

Dear Fellow Warters,

The year 2024 is coming to an end and it is time to recap the great achievements the Warthog project was able to make in this year.

Algorithm refinement

Shifu's great Proof-of-Balanced-Work (PoBW) invention and his Janushash algorithm specifically resulted from hard work and a long continuous refinement process. For weeks I remember we had discussions about how to improve the algorithm and to find a balance for the parameters for CPU and GPU efficiency.

First Listings

In March 2024 Warthog's first exchange listing was Exbitron but shortly after, community-donated listing at Xeggex followed. Then TradeOgre listed us as well. It was an important event for us because it was the first step from the experimental fun project that we had started with towards establishing Warthog in the crypto space. Initially we had written the project as a proof of concept and fun side project in our free time and would never had thought it would get really serious one day. But at this point I started to believe we had been on something bigger, much bigger, thanks to the great community and incredible help of engaged supporters.

First official Miner

On April 4th, BzMiner v21.0.3 first supported Warthog's new mining algorithm. This event marks the first big influx of investors and miners and helped Warthog gain a broader exposure. Over the next weeks and months, Shifu and iedoc improved the miner further.

YouTube miners pick up Warthog

Along with the public attention that came with the official miner support, an increasing number of How-To videos appeared on YouTube made by mining influencers like SOAT and Rabid who presented Warthog setup and mining. Also the mining calculator made by andrew became increasingly popular because it allowed to compute the efficiency of the combination of CPU and GPU hardware.


As Warthog's popularity increased, so did the incentive for pools to support Warthog. It started with small custom pools but soon came bigger players such as WoolyPooly and Herominers. At this point we need to thank particularly Shifu who helped the pools with their integration and also Cédric who open-sourced his miningcore implementation for Warthog from cedric-crispin.com. Without this pools could not have supported Warthog so quickly.

10x price increase

After Herominers started supporting Warthog, they aggressively sponsored another wave of YouTubers to make videos on how to mine Warthog on Herominers. Shortly after, Warthog started to gain traction and the price increased by more than 10x from 9 cents to above $1. In this period we gained a lot of new Discord members.

Iedoc's Donation

On Nov 22, Iedoc, the dev of the bzminer decided to donate a large amount of 12k WART to the Warthog development fund. We are very thankful to him donating this amount but also to all the other donors. At the time of writing the development fund holds almost 38k WART and at the right WART price, we can make good use of the fund to boost development.

Warthog Browser Extension

After several failed attempts to create a browser extension, we met DJ (a.k.a. CoinFu) who became part of our team and delivered a working browser extension draft. It can be used to send and receive WART coins and will be updated in the future to support tokens when Shifu implemented his DeFi idea.

New Website Development

Using BalkyBot's great Figma design we implemented a new version of the website at https://warthog.network/, it is a work-in-progress and we are actively working on improvements. At this point I want to thank everybody for your great support and trust in the Warthog project and our vision of a fair and decentralized cryptocurrency. I wish all of you a wonderful new year! Stay tuned for many interesting Warthog news and innovations in the next year 2025!

Additional Listings and AMA

Community member Mr. One organized a free listing at Bit.com exchange and Slixe from the Xelis project helped us to get a special deal to get listed on CoinEx exchange. The latter required 12k WART donation from the community. It was wonderful to see that in a joint effort we were able to collect this sum and get listed. These listings and the written AMA given by Shifu in the Bit.com Telegram group exposed Warthog to an even wider audience.
Who is Losthymns
Who is CoinFu MasterShifu?
Rafiki's Happy New Year!